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Also support FSC Controlled Wood

Congo Basin Program part II: 2014 and 2015

12-06-2014 Latest news

FSC Controlled Wood (FSC-CW) can be regarded as an important intermediate step and achievement on the road towards full FSC. Timber that is FSC-CW certified can be mixed with FSC 100% certified timber; as long as the end product contains at least 70% full FSC certified timber, the product can be labeled with FSC. This means FSC-CW may also be interesting from an economic perspective.


For the last two years, the CBP will focus on supporting current partners to achieve their objectives. Further, the pilot group certification of community forests in Cameroon will continue in 2014 and 2015, whereas the pilot participative micro-zoning in DRC will be finalized this year.


There will no longer be an annual update of the services catalogue. Instead, if partner companies wish to collaborate with a service provider that is not listed in the catalogue, the Congo Basin Program Secretary will perform a quick-scan based on CV and a project reference list.


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